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If I Wanted to Be a Millionaire Before 30, I'd Do This

Ali Abdaal


If I Wanted to Be a Millionaire Before 30, I'd Do This

5.26M subscribers


Ali Abdaal • 5.26M subscribers


Ali Abdaal shares valuable insights and advice on achieving financial success and making a million before the age of 30, drawing from personal experiences and key lessons learned. The video covers essential aspects such as the intentional pursuit of financial freedom, entrepreneurship, diverse business ventures, the significance of continuous learning, and the importance of consistency and enjoyment in the journey to success.

  • 💰 Ali Abdaal made his first million at 26, but believes he could have achieved this milestone even sooner by following the advice he shares in the video.

  • 🔑 The video outlines five key lessons that Ali Abdaal would give to his younger self, encapsulating insights that could have accelerated his path to success.

  • 📚 'The 4-Hour Workweek' by Tim Ferriss transformed Ali Abdaal's outlook on financial success, emphasizing the value of time freedom and independence over traditional wealth accumulation.

  • 💼 Achieving financial success in one's 20s is more feasible through starting a business rather than being employed, as business ownership offers more leverage and potential for wealth accumulation.

  • 🛠️ There are three main types of businesses - service, product, and content businesses, each with its unique way of solving problems in exchange for money.

  • 👥 Surrounding oneself with content and individuals who align with the goal of financial freedom can significantly influence one's mindset and opportunities, even if not in physical proximity.

  • 🎥 Pivoting into a content business through starting a YouTube channel, the speaker found greater enjoyment, reward, and financial success in creating videos compared to their previous business ventures, highlighting the importance of finding fulfilment in one's chosen path.

  • 📚 Balancing action with continuous learning and acquiring knowledge is crucial for personal and professional growth.

  • 💰 Building a successful business or making a significant income often takes years of consistent effort and patience.

  • ⏳ It took Ali Abdaal 13 years from the age of 13 to 26 to make his first million, emphasizing the importance of playing the long-term game.

  • 🚀 Consistency and not giving up are crucial in the journey of building a business or pursuing a side hustle, despite not seeing immediate results.

  • 💡 Enjoying the process and making the work feel good and enjoyable contributes to long-term sustainability and success.

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